What is Manual Physical Therapy?

Manual physical therapy is a hands-on treatment involving the application of targeted pressure, stretching, and manipulation of the muscles, joints, and soft tissues of the body. There are many reasons to perform manual therapy such as reducing pain, improving mobility, and improving posture and alignment. This type of therapy is performed by a licensed physical therapist and is commonly used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, often in conjunction with therapeutic exercise.

Here are some benefits of manual therapy:

1. Pain Relief

One of the greatest benefits of manual therapy is pain relief. Manual techniques such as soft tissue manipulation, trigger point release, and joint mobilizations can reduce pain by improving blood flow and reducing tension in the affected area.

2. Improved Range of Motion

Sometimes, restricted mobility in muscles and joints can contribute to pain and dysfunction of the body. Techniques like stretching, myofascial release, and joint mobilizations can help reduce stiffness and improve flexibility and mobility in the affected body part. Often, manual techniques will be utilized for post-surgical patients to restore motion of the affected body part.

3. Improve Posture and Alignment

Specific manual therapies called muscle energy techniques aim to improve posture and alignment of the body by using the patient’s own muscle contractions in specific directions against the resistance of the physical therapist. Patients with sacroiliac joint pain often find relief with this type of treatment.

4. Non-Invasive Treatment

Patients who suffer from chronic or severe pain will sometimes turn to procedures such as injections or surgeries to find relief. Manual therapy is a more conservative approach to treatment, which makes it beneficial to try before opting for a more invasive and costly procedure.

Manual techniques are generally an effective and safe treatment option for a range of musculoskeletal conditions by reducing pain and improving range of motion; however, manual physical therapy may not be appropriate for everyone. If you are suffering from a musculoskeletal condition, consider making an appointment for an evaluation with a physical therapist at Sheltering Arms Institute by calling (804) 764-1000 or visiting www.shelteringarmsinstitute.com/contact-us to determine whether this treatment is right for you.

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