Can Sports Injuries Cause Arthritis?

There are numerous causes of arthritis, but did you think sports could be one of them? Sports injuries are why so many athletes face joint problems or other kinds of chronic pain associated with arthritis.

There are hundreds of conditions that fall under the arthritis category. Of them, osteoarthritis, or “wear-and-tear arthritis”, is the most common. It’s also the kind that is most likely to form after a sports-related injury. Athletes who suffer from ligament tears, fractures that go through the joints or bruised cartilage are more susceptible to arthritis. These kinds of injuries will affect the way joints, like knees and wrists, move. These irregular movements can cause stress that leads to erosion of cartilage and surfaces in joints, which in turn leads to swelling, inflammation, and pain.

Prevention is the best way to keep injuries from turning into arthritis. Use all sports equipment properly and make sure you are warmed up well before starting any kind of physical activity. If you already have a sports injury, it is important to take care of it to prevent developing an arthritic condition. It’s important not to over-exert yourself and try to push your injured joint too hard before having a chance to heal properly. Take some time to allow your body to restore itself before rushing back onto the court or field.

Following a sports injury, a physical therapist that specializes in orthopedics can evaluate muscle strength, endurance, balance as well as movement quality, then help you restore maximum function, manage pain, and prevent recurrent injuries. Complete the contact form or call (804) 764-1000 to learn how a Sheltering Arms therapist can help you get back in the game.

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