How Technology Can Improve Concussion Treatment

By: Cristin Beazley, PT, DPT, CBIS
After a concussion, the road to recovery can seem overwhelming and the conflicting information patients sometimes receive doesn’t help. For example, most people are told that screens are bad and to avoid all technology after a concussion. While this is true, it is most important to avoid screen time in the initial stages of recovery. Typically, 48 hours after the concussion took place, you can slowly reintroduce usual activities including the use of screens.
During post-concussion therapy, there are several pieces of technology that can help you recover by either identifying or treating impairments. Patients experiencing light sensitivity can wear glasses with tinted lenses to help manage symptoms so they can still use technology during treatment.
Here are five examples of technology commonly used during concussion treatment and recovery:
- RightEye is a computer with nine infrared cameras that are able to track the efficiency and accuracy of eye movements during a series of tests. After a concussion, patients will often have difficulty with reaction time and eye movements that involve pursuits (tracking a moving object) or saccades (moving from one target to another). RightEye provides an objective number to show the accuracy of these movements as well as assign exercises to work toward improving the quality of the eye movements.
- Video goggles are used to observe the eyes during vestibular and oculomotor testing and can help identify when a patient has positional vertigo.
- Sensory Organization Test (SOT) is a form of posturography that assesses a patient’s ability to use their visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems to maintain balance and minimize sway. It has a force plate and moving surround that can be used for training purposes as well.
- Bioness Integrated Therapy System (BITS) is a tool that can help detect impairments as well as effectively challenge patients during their recovery. The BITS gives patients objective measures such as accuracy and reaction time to provide immediate feedback on their performance. This can highlight areas of impairment and motivate patients to improve their performance with repeated trials.
- Blazepod™ system is a wireless reaction-training tool equipped with LED pod lights that are managed through an app. The lights can be set up on a wall, floor, or cones and act as targets that patients work to deactivate during their treatment. They can be used to incorporate memory and dual tasking in addition to both stationary and dynamic tasks.
This is a small sample of technology that can be used in post-concussion therapy. Incorporating technology into therapy often makes it more engaging for you and allows for more complex treatment options.
Click here to learn how Sheltering Arms can help you or a loved one incorporate technology into your concussion therapy.
This technology and other devices like it are made possible through the generous support of our donors to the Sheltering Arms Foundation Annual Fund. If you would also like to help others find their Power to Overcome, please consider a donation to Sheltering Arms Foundation by clicking the link below.