At-Home Exercises & Stretches for Your Glutes

Today we are going to show 10 simple exercises and stretches that you can do to help strengthen your glutes. If your not familiar with what your glutes are, some people refer to them as their butt muscles, however, there are more technical terms for these muscles.

The Glutes are primarily made up of the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Minimus but also include:

  • Quadratus Femoris
  • Gemellus Inferior
  • Obturator Externus
  • Gemellus Superior
  • Piriformis

10 Simple Glute Exercises You Can Do At Home

If you find yourself not able to go to the gym or to your physical therapist’s office, these 10 exercises and stretches can be done at home or outside.

1. Position yourself as shown, grabbing onto the feet or behind the knees. You should feel a gentle stretch while allowing knees to lower to the floor. Breathe in and allow the pelvic floor muscles to relax. Hold this position
2-3 minutes.

at home glute stretch2. Lying with your knees bent and feet on the floor, lift your knees towards your chest. Place your hands behind both knees and draw them towards your chest while separating them. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat twice.

in chair hip exercise at home

3. Sit on a chair with one foot on the floor. Lift your other foot onto your opposite thigh. Gently lean forward with a straight back. Feel the stretch in your buttock. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 2 times. Do this 3-4 times a day, making sure to stretch on both sides.

cross knee glute stretch on box

4. Sit with one leg bent towards your chest and crossed over the opposite leg. Pull your bent knee with your arm towards your opposite shoulder. Keep your back straight. You will feel the stretching behind your thigh and in your buttock. Hold 30 seconds and repeat 30 times. Do this stretch 3-4 times a day, making sure to do both sides.

cross leg glute stretch

5. Lying on your back with your knees bent, cross the ankle of the leg to be stretched over the opposite knee. Put your arm around the thigh as shown. Bring your thigh towards your stomach. Feel the stretch in your buttock. Hold 30 seconds and repeat 2 times. Make sure to stretch both sides.


cat stretch at home excercise

6. Get into a crawling position. Press your bottom towards your feet, with your head against the floor and arms straight forward. Keep your hands on the floor and breathe in, allowing pelvic floor muscles to stretch. Hold this stretch for 2-3 minutes.


at home abdominal stretch

7. Lying face down with both hands at shoulder height, straighten your elbows and lift your upper trunk until you feel a stretch in your abdominal area. Keep your pelvis and legs relaxed. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat 3 times.

box exercise for glutes

8. Hip Flexors: Use a large step position placing your front leg on a box or steady chair with your knees bent. Place your arms on your knee to stabilize your back, keeping your back leg straight. Push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your thighs. You may also feel a slight stretch on the backside of the bent leg. Don’t forget to stretch both sides.

*Avoid an arch in your lower back by tightening your stomach muscles!


leg exercise at home stretch

9. Lying on a table or a firm bed as shown, put your hands behind one knee and draw that leg towards your chest. Stretch the opposite leg towards the floor. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 2 times. Stretch both sides!

at home knee exercise

10. Stand with legs astride and straight. Bend one leg and put your hands on the knee. Bend your leg even more and put weight on the leg. You will feel stretching on the inside of the thigh on the straight leg. Hold for approximately 30 seconds and repeat 2 times. Do this stretch on both legs.

Exercise sketches were provided by Physiotools LTD.


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